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Print the application for renting here (PDF-file)
OVV Asuntopalvelut Rauma
Opening hours
Open by appointment
Valtakatu 5
28100 Pori
044 726 5196
Satu Vahamäki
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We rent the apartments in Pori area. We aim to find reliable tenants and to provide efficient and professional service. For the landlord our service is effortless, competent and personal – our office is willing to help in any questions related to renting, throughout the tenancy.
You can also let us handle the renting of the apartment comprehensively with the OVV Kokonaispalvelu. With the full service we make sure everything is going well in the tenancy, guarantee the rent, make the moving in check-ups etc. More about the Full service you will find here.
As a home-seeker you can leave us a free search for the apartment (Hakuvahti), after which you will get notifications about new apartments to your email.
At your service

Satu Vahamäki
Yrittäjä, LVV, KiLAT
Vastaava hoitaja
044 726 5196

Tuomo Kaski
044 493 4133

Niko Laulajainen
Vuokravälittäjä, LVV